Project Description

It’s been a year. A YEAR! And after a solid year, I’m finally able to shoot photos of Muay Thai tournaments. You have no idea how happy I was when I heard about this tournament. The year hasn’t been depressing just for me, but for the guys too. It’s hard to train constantly when there’s nothing to train too.

But after a year, a few hours, three memory cards, eight fights, and a dead battery, photos are coming.

The first fight for my team was Noah’s fight.

Noah has been training with Team Die Strong for over six months. This was his first fight and even though he kept his technique. That is the hardest part when you step into the ring the first time. It’s being able to remember what you are taught. Not going to lie, I’m bias and I want my guys to win, but Noah took the loss well.

It’s always hard to lose. Fighters put a lot of time and energy into training. They miss out on friends and family to step into the ring. That is always my goal when I take photos is to show how much work goes into a good fight.

Here are five of my favorite photos.