Trauma from the Ring I fell in love with Muay Thai and fighting photography because the fights look breath-taking. Not anyone can step into the ring. Not everyone can train and push their bodies to the limit. If you're not careful, you leave the ring with trauma. The trauma can be physical, mental, and all [...]
Noah Cameron VS Carsten Mackilop
Eliza Menendez2021-03-24T20:06:52+00:00That is the hardest part when you step into the ring the first time. It's being able to remember what you are taught. Not going to lie, I'm bias and I want my guys to win, but Noah took the loss well.
2020 Muay Thai Tournament
Eliza Menendez2020-09-03T18:21:27+00:00I think these might honestly be my best photos I've taken when it comes to fight photography in general. I got the beat of the fight and fighters so my timing was better. The most important part of these fights was the idea of 'brotherhood'. I tried to capture that the most when taking these photos.
Before the Pandemic: Favorite Training Photos
Eliza Menendez2020-09-03T18:29:16+00:00I loved taking photos after my own workout because it was fun. I like action shots. I'm sure this just comes from how I worked in news. There's always a story.
Jordon’s Fight: 2020
Eliza Menendez2020-09-03T18:40:15+00:00He was also the only fighter that I needed to focus on. I didn't have to time myself to make sure I got everyone's getting ready photos, etc. Also Jordon's fight was the the climax of the tournament. This meant a lot of waiting and weirdly, relaxing.